Reducing the Risks in Construction

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Preventing Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents on Construction Sites


Good common sense and awareness of your surroundings are the first steps to a safer construction site. There are many actions you can take to help prevent slip, trip, and fall accidents.

Storage Areas

Keeping storage areas tidy is essential. Plan deliveries to minimise the amount of materials on site, making it easier to move around. Consider whether storing certain materials and chemicals near one another is safe, as leaks may cause dangerous reactions.

Footpaths and Access Roads

Keep footpaths and access roads clean and free from loose items. In icy conditions, ensure these areas are gritted to reduce the risk of slipping. Use signs and barriers to highlight holes in pathways to prevent falls.

Good Housekeeping

Good housekeeping on stairs and paths provides easy access and reduces the chance of falling. Ensure the steps leading into temporary cabins are solid, clean, and free from dirt, ice, or other items.

Managing Cables

Ensure cables are tied up and clearly identified if they are trailing. Use rubber wire sheaths to cover cables and reduce the risk of tripping.

Excavations and Trenches

Where there are excavations, open manhole covers, or trenches, make sure they have barriers around them to prevent people from falling in.

Site Waste Management

Good site waste management keeps the area cleaner and free from rubbish, which can cause slip hazards. Ask yourself:

  • Whose job is it to clean up waste and how often?
  • Are there bins, and where are they?
  • Who empties the bins, so you can report it when they are full?
  • Who removes waste from the site?

Ensuring Awareness

Ensure that everyone on site knows what to do to reduce risks when they work. Good communication and training are key to maintaining a safe environment.


By maintaining good housekeeping, properly managing storage areas, ensuring clear footpaths, managing cables, and practicing good site waste management, you can significantly reduce the risk of slip, trip, and fall accidents on construction sites.