Slips on Different Surfaces
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Maintaining Safe Surfaces: Tips for Preventing Slips
Understanding the Risks
Even a perfectly flat surface, which is fit for purpose most of the time, can become dangerous when wet. Slipping can lead to serious accidents, especially if there are other hazards like machines or hot surfaces nearby. Kitchens and factory floors are typical examples, where these surfaces can be contaminated with water, detergents, oils, or any substance that can make them very slippery.
Importance of Good Housekeeping
Regardless of the floor type, employing good housekeeping procedures is essential. Dry all spillages completely and put out warning signs immediately. Any chemical substance must be correctly cleaned up immediately to ensure that the contaminant is removed and the floor is clean.
Using HSE Resources
The HSE provides a useful chart aimed at kitchens, but the information is beneficial for any industry. A link to this chart is available in the download area of this course.
Choosing the Right Footwear
While it is important to keep the surface dry and clean, it is also crucial for people to wear appropriate footwear for the job they are doing. Wearing the wrong soled shoes, even on a dry, clean floor, can be just as dangerous as a wet floor. Avoid open-toed shoes, sandals, flip flops, high heels, and smooth soles. In many industries, such as construction, steel-toed footwear with a safety sole is required.
By maintaining dry and clean surfaces, implementing good housekeeping procedures, and ensuring the use of appropriate footwear, the risk of slips and related accidents can be significantly reduced.